#Japangler brings you high quality fishing products from Japan
All brands from Japan
Vorbreitung auf den Winter
Japanisches Angelbekleidungsset von Mazume: Wasserdicht, atmungsaktiv und maximaler Komfort bei jedem Wetter. Innovatives Design mit praktischen Details für uneingeschränkte Bewegungsfreiheit beim Angeln.
Daiichiseiko warme Unterziehhose
Kompressions-Winterunterhose für Angler: Wärmespeicherndes, dehnbares Material mit schweißabsorbierendem, schnell trocknendem Raised Fabric für optimale Bewegungsfreiheit und Komfort.
mazume Handschuhe
Nahtlose Neopren-Handschuhe mit Titanbeschichtung, individuell anpassbar, rutschfest und wasserabweisend.
Elastische 3-Jahreszeiten-Handschuhe, offen an Daumen und Zeigefinger, rutschfest und wärmespeichernd.
What is Japangler?
Hi, my name is Tomohiro.
From the age of seven, my grandfather would take me fishing and teach me to catch herabuna (Japanese crucian carp).
During this time my passion for fishing was kindled and in my youth I caught many carp, trout and smallmouth bass, as well as discovered sea and boat fishing for myself.
Now I live in Germany and my passion hasn't changed.
My goal is to bring Japanese fishing quality products to Germany.
All products in this shop have been selected by me, the Japangler, because I am convinced of their quality.
We currently distribute the mazume, Daiichiseiko , Studio Ocean Mark , Carmate, Bait Breath and HIDEUP brands.
Even among the very high-quality fishing accessories that are available in Japan, these brands stand out again because of their innovation and quality.
Feel free to take a look around!